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  Stewardship - The purpose of this committee is to develop within the membership an understanding of the full meaning of Christian Stewardship and to direct the financial program of the church so that it will not only supply the financial needs but provides a means of spiritual enrichment and character building for each one participating.  It is responsible for keeping alive the realization of the congregation’s stewardship obligation, promoting stewardship education, supervising the preparation and subscription of the church budget, keeping accurate records and encouraging endowments for future development in the church and world work.


Outreach - The purpose of this committee is to create and/or support local, regional and global ministries within the church by taking the lead in educating the membership of the church. Members of the committee address the congregation as to the purposes of special offerings. In addition, this committee does local and global mission work such as: Thanksgiving Turkey baskets and Samaritan's Purse Shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  

Worship - The purpose of this committee is to provide meaningful worship services conducive to bringing others to Christ. Our Organist, Choir Director, Audio Visual Technician and the Choir all support the worship services. Additionally, the committee maintains the banners, changing of the paraments, sanctuary candles, pew cards and envelopes.

Evangelism - The purpose of this committee is to cultivate an evangelistic spirit within the church and to the community, at large. It promotes the “Good News” and helps others find out about our church by administering the publicity and information aspects of all church programs.

Property - The purpose of this committee is to be the overall point of contact for all property (land and buildings) matters.   Coordinates routine cleaning/maintenance of all HCAV units; oversees replacement of units as required.  Coordinates pest control and termite services.  Ensures all buildings are maintained and routine preventive maintenance is done on building as required.  Research options, coordinates with contractors, and oversees repairs to contract specifications.  Maintains church grounds, procures contract lawn services each year and meets with contractor throughout the year to review any necessary changes.  Ensures the Dick Robert’s Memorial Garden is maintained and refurbished as required.  Maintains fencing and signage for the church.  Periodically updates furnishings, flooring, fixtures, windows, and painting to ensure the beauty of the building interior is updated and in good working order. Serves on special project committees which interface with property responsibilities.


Disciples Women (DW)



 The purpose of this organization is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth; enrichment; education and creative ministries to all women of the First Christian Church.  Our aim is to unify the women’s organization by bringing all women of the congregation into fellowship with one another and with Christian women everywhere.  Our organization cooperates with the International Disciples Women’s Ministries through the Office of Disciples Home Missions in program planning, reporting and support.

The local Disciples Women fellowship schedules projects to benefit our church, community and world, as well as lending support to additional requests for assistance with projects sponsored by others.  Some of the DW monthly projects include donations to Alpha House; Council on Aging; Favor House; Manna Food Bank; Loaves and Fishes and the International Blanket Drive.  We also sponsor an annual Rummage Sale; provide support to the Regional Office; and help with costs required for Vacation Bible School; Youth Camp and Church kitchen supplies.  In addition to the above projects, our various committees provide worship at our monthly meetings; send cards to our congregation and provide food or donations to bereaved families.  Our meetings are held at the Church and provide a wonderful opportunity for worship and fellowship.  We would invite all women of the congregation who are interested in supporting the missions of the First Christian Church to join us each month!  For further details, you may contact the Church (850-477-1642) or for the appropriate Point of Contact. 



President:  Linda Jones
Vice President: Jerrie Dunlap
Secretary: Kathy Phelps
Treasurer: Randee Hartley
Sunshine Chair: Sharon Van Hoose

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