Giving Opportunities to First Christian Church
Cash may be placed in the offering plate on Sunday. To receive credit for cash donations, it must be placed is an envelope with donor name on it. If you want it to be given for a specific purpose, the amount and purpose must be identified. Otherwise it is will go to the regular offering.
Checks can be placed in the offering plate on Sundays or mailed to the church. If you want it to be given for a specific purpose, ( such as a Memorial Gift, Youth Camp or Special Offerings) the amount and purpose must be identified. Otherwise it is will go to the regular offering..
Automatic Draft from your bank
You can set up an automatic draft from your checking or savings account that mails a bank check directly to First Christian Church. You can set up the frequency of how much and how often mailed. Contact your local bank or go to their website.
Stock Donations
Transferring stocks to First Christian Church is another option. It may offers additional tax savings. If you have any tax questions please talk to your tax advisor and if this is your desire, you or your financial advisor/stockbroker will need to contact the church and a member of our Stewardship Committee will return your call to discuss your requests and the necessary documentation.
Statement of Giving
To receive a tax credit for a given year, we must have your full name, address and phone number. All Contributions to First Christian Church must be received by the end of the working day on December 31st, or if mailed must be postmarked by December 31st. A statement will be mailed out to everyone that donated during the year.
Contact Information
First Christian Church, 6041 Goodrich Drive, Pensacola, FL 32504
Church Secretary (850-477-1642) and leave a message for the Stewardship Committee.
Office Hours - Monday through Thursday - 8:00 am - 2:00 pm